Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHSST), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 1991, has been dedicated to fostering healthier communities for over three decades. Your support is vital to our continued success, and there are many meaningful ways you can contribute to our mission. Whether through direct donations, planned giving, or other methods, your generosity can make a lasting impact on our ability to serve those in need and ensure our sustainability for years to come. Together, we can build a brighter future for South Texas.
To memorialize your commitment to support and strengthen our communities with Behavioral Health Solutions you can make a contribution at a level below to secure a plaque on our “Changing Minds, Changing Hearts, Changing Lives” Tribute Wall located in the lobby of our Harlingen office located at 2301 Industrial Blvd.
For more information, click here!
Donations to BHS may be made in memory of or in honor of someone who was/is special in your life.
A cash or check donation is the most common type of charitable gift to BHS. Cash contributions are deductible and result in tax savings. Checks should be made payable to the Behavioral Health Solutions and mailed to 5510 N. Cage Blvd. Suite C, Pharr, TX 78577.
Be sure to indicate the purpose of your gift on the check or in a cover letter (i.e., event tickets, event sponsorships, program, etc.). BHS will gladly accept cash gifts—however, we do not recommend mailing cash via postal service or courier. To make a donation using cash, please bring it directly to our office during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.