meet our executive team

Behavioral Health Solutions

Executive Team

Meet Board of Directors

Fundraising experience for your donors

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Fundraising experience for your donors


Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHS) aims to develop and implement effective age-appropriate, consumer-driven, evidence-based services to prevent and reduce substance use and strengthen mental wellness across the southernmost Texas communities.

Mission Statement

Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas (BHS) aims to develop and implement effective age-appropriate, consumer-driven, evidence-based services to prevent and reduce substance use and strengthen mental wellness across the southernmost Texas communities.


One life, one family, one community in a culture of behavioral wellness. Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas promotes quality of life across the lifespan meeting core behavioral health and wellness services with integration across other human domains: core behavioral health and wellness.

Core Values

Learning Environment

The continuous process of professional development and cultural competency based on the belief that every individual shares a journey of growth and every moment in life offers us an opportunity to experience a deeper understanding of ourselves, others, the environment, and our faith and beliefs.

Integrity of work

Promoting fidelity to our mission goals, and objectives under the guidance of policies, leadership, and accountability; and through implementing our strategic plan and Quality Management Plan. (Includes our grants and contracts statement of work and performance measures.)

Listening Spirit

The building of relationship through collaborations, partnerships, and in the daily professional practice and recognition for the person, team, and work environment to meet the needs of all involved: participants, clients, customers, employees, and the broader society; promoting an environment of health and well-being, spiritual awareness, growth, and success through advocacy, empowerment, and ownership.

Responsibility to self and others

The beneficence and protection against harm recognizes the boundaries of service in individual, group, and community responsibility and competence to the good of all in fairness and justice.
Join Our Community

“Help us keep our communities united, strong, and drug-free!”